
ファッションとヘアメイク業界で活躍する人材を育成。総合学園ヒューマンアカデミー ファッションとヘアメイク業界で活躍する人材を育成。総合学園ヒューマンアカデミー

留学生の皆さんへ 留学生の皆さんへ
  • 01 学費最大80万円免除 01 学費最大80万円免除
  • 02 留学生のための学費支援制度あり 02 留学生のための学費支援制度あり
  • 03 入学金は免除!特待生も募集中 03 入学金は免除!特待生も募集中
資料請求はこちら 無料パンフレットを差し上げます 資料請求はこちら 無料パンフレットを差し上げます Request for Brochure Request for Brochure

FASHION college FASHION college ファッションカレッジ ファッションプロデュース専攻 Fashion College (Fashion produce) ファッションカレッジ ファッションプロデュース専攻 Fashion College (Fashion produce)


Students learn how to be imaginative, gain actual skills in the field, and business skills through practicing shop management and production, as well as receiving on-the-job training as show fitters.

The characteristics of the Fashion College

  • 01
    To bring up students to gain total fashion produce skills in order to work in fashion industries.
  • 02
    ファッションスタイリング検定けんてい取得しゅとく To aim to pass the Fashion Styling Exam.
  • 03
    To hold a fashion show with beauty-related courses (hair makeup courses /nailist courses) students.
    The fashion show is held together with a beauty course students (hair makeup course and Neil course).

カリキュラム内容ないよう Curriculum

Fashion coordination / Introduction to fashion business / Apparel creation / Trend analysis / Sales promotion / Visual merchandising / Marketing / Buying / Styling / Brand produce / Color design / Apparel Pc / Basic work

HAIR & MAKEUP college HAIR & MAKEUP college ヘアメイクカレッジ ヘアメイクアーティスト専攻 Hair Make College (Hair Make artist) ヘアメイクカレッジ ヘアメイクアーティスト専攻 Hair Make College (Hair Make artist)


Active professionals working for magazines and shows will instruct students in the top skills of the industry. The hands-on program in the course reflecting the hair and make-up scene is what makes this major so attractive.

The characteristics of the hair make-up college

  • 01
    Highly practical total beauty curriculum.
  • 02
    即戦力そくせんりょく育成いくせいする実習じっしゅう&セミナー Training and seminars to bring up students to be an immediately effective worker.
  • 03
    少人数制しょうにんずうせい指導しどうによる実践じっせん集中しゅうちゅう学習がくしゅう Practical and intensive courses in a small class.

カリキュラム内容ないよう Curriculum

Trend hair / Evening party volume / Bridal hair / Blow technique / Stage hair / Total make / Skincare / Frame reform / Bridal make / Beauty reception / Nail License / Nail care / Personal color cosmetic introduction

日本語にほんご教育きょういくもヒューマン Human can also take Japanese education!!

ほんコースは、日本語にほんごでの授業じゅぎょう理解りかい可能かのう学生がくせい対象たいしょうになります(JLPT N2レベル)。

This courses are held in Japanese,students need to understand Japanese lecture level.
If students not enough Japanese level, we recommend enrollment to Human Academy Japanese Languagae school

留学生サポート事務局 Free Call 0120-89-1588 留学生サポート事務局 Free Call 0120-89-1588
資料請求はこちら 無料パンフレットを差し上げます 資料請求はこちら 無料パンフレットを差し上げます Request for Brochure Request for Brochure
ファッション・ヘアメイクを学びたい方へ For Future Students of Fashion, Hair, and Make-up ファッション・ヘアメイクを学びたい方へ For Future Students of Fashion, Hair, and Make-up 「時代が求める教育のカタチ」を追求し、社会が求める人材の育成に努めます。We pursue to create “cutting edge education”and make an effort on the nurture of human resource valued in society. 「時代が求める教育のカタチ」を追求し、社会が求める人材の育成に努めます。We pursue to create “cutting edge education”and make an effort on the nurture of human resource valued in society.


Human Academy Colleges have conducted courses conscious of integrating education and a state-of-the-art approach to the business world since they first opened, and have focused on the realization of an ideal learning environment to “become the person you want to be” for students studying here.

5つの特徴とくちょう The five features

  • Point 01 業界最先端教育を取り入れた「カンパニースクール」”Company School” adopting the newest and the forefront education. 業界最先端教育を取り入れた「カンパニースクール」”Company School” adopting the newest and the forefront education.
  • Point 02 プロの技を教えてくれるのは「現役プロ講師」”The Active Professional Teacher” teaching professional skills. プロの技を教えてくれるのは「現役プロ講師」”The Active Professional Teacher” teaching professional skills.
  • Point 03 進路決定率100%の「3Jサポートシステム」”3J Support System” deciding your way perfectly. 進路決定率100%の「3Jサポートシステム」”3J Support System” deciding your way perfectly.
  • Point 04 世界を舞台に最先端を学ぶ「海外研修」”Study Abroad Program” giving environment of learning world level standard. 世界を舞台に最先端を学ぶ「海外研修」”Study Abroad Program” giving environment of learning world level standard.
  • Point 05 安心の留学生サポート体制”Student supports system” helping students life in Japan. 安心の留学生サポート体制”Student supports system” helping students life in Japan.
ISO29990 認証取得 審査登録証 JP11/062279

The proof of high quality learning system!! Human Academy is the first school of getting "ISO29990".


For people who not stay in Japan


We are offering various supports to your fulfilling school life.
Regarding Fashion and hair and makeup course, lifestyle in Japan, or your future, please consult us anything!

東京校とうきょうこう Tokyo Campus

Human kyoiku center 1st building, 4-4-2 Takadanobaba, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo

TEL:0120-89-1588(フリーダイヤル) TEL:0120-89-1588(フリーダイヤル)

大阪校おおさかこう Osaka Campus

Hulic Shinsaibashi building floor 9, 4-3-2 Minamisenba, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka

TEL:0120-06-8601(フリーダイヤル) TEL:0120-06-8601(フリーダイヤル)


Human will give advantage for employment.


Our group company manages a large employment posting site for bilingual people, “” This site provides information on foreign companies and international Japanese companies.

ヘアメイクアーティスト専攻せんこう 卒業そつぎょう
Hair and makeup artist course

M・A・C(エスティ ローダー株式かぶしき会社がいしゃ M・A・C事業部じぎょうぶ
M・A・C(ESTEE LAUDER companies M・A・C division )
Makeup artist
丸本まるもと 美佳みかさん
Mika Marumoto

丸本 美佳さん Mika Marumoto
私たちの力で、お客様をもっときれいに、美しく。この仕事の楽しさは、そこにある。Our skills make the customer more elegant and beautiful; I enjoy this job so much. 私たちの力で、お客様をもっときれいに、美しく。この仕事の楽しさは、そこにある。Our skills make the customer more elegant and beautiful; I enjoy this job so much.

でも、実際じっさい現場げんば接客せっきゃくしてみると、年齢ねんれいことなれば、はだしついろ嗜好しこうちがうお客様きゃくさまがいらっしゃいます。そのなかで、一人ひとりひとりのお客様きゃくさま最適さいてき、かつ、魅力みりょく最大限さいだいげんすメイクを提案ていあんするのは、とってもむずかしいことだと実感じっかんしました。 M・A・Cは製品せいひん種類しゅるい、カラーバリエーションが豊富ほうふで、リップだけでも100しょくちかくあり、入社にゅうしゃ当時とうじはそれらをおぼえるのに必死ひっしでしたね(わらい)。すこしずつ仕事しごとおぼえ、指名しめいしていただけるお客様きゃくさまえてきたことで、これまで以上いじょうにメイクを一生いっしょう仕事しごとにしていきたい気持きもちがつよくなってきました。

What kind of image do you have of a “Beauty adviser”?
Before I got this job, I thought the basic business of a beauty advisor was counseling, makeup and sales to customers.
However, I realized it is very difficult for me. Our customers are of all ages, skin condition and color, and tastes, so I have to make the utmost effort to satisfy each customer's requests.
In addition, there are so many M.A.C products and color variations. When I starting this job, I tried desperately to memorize 100 kinds of lip colors.
I learned my work step by step. The number of customers who request me in person is increasing. The feeling that I want to work with makeup for my whole life is becoming stronger.

ファッションプロデュース専攻せんこう 卒業そつぎょう
Fashion Produce course

From South Korea ちゃ 桂芽じゅあさん
Joo Ah Cha

車 桂芽さん  Joo Ah Cha
将来は母国でファッションブランドを立ち上げたい After I have learned the basics and business practices, my dream is to head a fashion brand in my home country. 将来は母国でファッションブランドを立ち上げたい After I have learned the basics and business practices, my dream is to head a fashion brand in my home country.

おな校舎こうしゃにある総合学園そうごうがくえんヒューマンアカデミーのファッションカレッジで留学生受入制度りゅうがくせいうけいれせいどがあるといて、まよわず進学しんがくめました。 実際授業じっさいじゅぎょうはとてもたのしいです。とくにスタイリングの授業じゅぎょうたのしいですね。自分じぶん製作せいさくした作品さくひんをカメラで撮影さつえいするのですが、毎回まいかいテーマごとにつくえることができ、幅広はばひろ知識ちしきやアレンジが習得しゅうとくできます。

I first became interested in Japan because of the country's television dramas. I enrolled in the Human Academy Japanese Language School.
I heard the Human Academy Fashion College had started a program accepting international students, so I enrolled immediately after attending the Japanese language school. I didn't hesitate as I was already interested in fashion.
It’s a lot of fun. I'm glad I enrolled here. I've had many memorable experiences. The styling classes are especially enjoyable. For every project item we make, we take pictures. The theme changes every time and we get the opportunity to create different project items. I especially enjoy it because I can gain a great deal of knowledge. In addition, the lecturers are very kind. When I first started here they often asked if I properly understood everything.
Because fashion here in Japan is more advanced than in South Korea, I have learned about new fashion trends and management skills. I eventually hope to go back to South Korea to start my own store. It would be great if someday I could head my own fashion brand.

留学生サポート事務局 Free Call 0120-89-1588 留学生サポート事務局 Free Call 0120-89-1588
資料請求はこちら 無料パンフレットを差し上げます 資料請求はこちら 無料パンフレットを差し上げます Request for Brochure Request for Brochure